Réalisation des illustrations pour la performance Des Place[s], mélangeant réalité augmentée et théâtre in situ, à l'occasion du GIFF 2021. En collaboration avec Isis Fahmy, Benoît Renaudin, Piera Bellato, Christina Antonarakis, Raphaël Aprobado et Studio Tadaaa.
Photos de Emmanuelle Bayart.
Illustrations for the performance Des Place[s], mixing augmented reality and theater, for the GIFF 2021. In collaboration with Isis Fahmy, Benoît Renaudin, Piera Bellato, Christina Antonarakis, Raphaël Aprobado et Studio Tadaaa.
Pictures by Emmanuelle Bayart.
Réalisation du clip du morceau "Ineffable", issu du second album "How Great This World Can Be", du Louis Matute Quartet.
Animation for the track "Ineffable", from Louis Matute Quartet's second album, "How Great This World Can Be".
Réalisation du clip du morceau "Ineffable", issu du second album "How Great This World Can Be", du Louis Matute Quartet.
Animation for the track "Ineffable", from Louis Matute Quartet's second album, "How Great This World Can Be".
©2020 Alex Howling — All rights reserved
©2020 Alex Howling — All rights reserved
©2020 Alex Howling — All rights reserved
©2020 Alex Howling — All rights reserved
©2020 Alex Howling — All rights reserved